Wednesday 11 December 2013

My hair care routine

My hair care routine.

Hello my lovelies. So I have very exciting news as I'm going to have a complete transformation with my hair. YAAAAY. I'm really excited as I'm going for something completely different. So here's the story: two years ago I cut my hair as it was in terrible condition, I went from having really long hair to a short bob:( heart braking I know. I loved it for about a week and then hated it, and if you'd like to know my huge confession : I've only cut it once since ( and that was just a little trim) I've been so desperately trying to grow it long again that I've been too scared to cut it. If I'm honest it's actually not in as bad condition as you may expect, but now that I'm going from dark red hair to brown/BLONDE ombré I'm very concerned about my ends and want to make sure they're in perfect condition as next week they'll be bleached and blonde:0
I'm a bit reluctant in buying loads of products as I find that you can spend so much money on things that don't always do as they say on the tin, so I've been going about it the old fashioned way with natural remedies:) so I thought I'd share some of the things I've been doing and that have been working for me:)
So I usually wash my hair every other day as it gets greasy very quickly, using the same shampoo all the time doesn't suit me, so I often switch up. At the moment I'm using Elvive triple resist and it's working a treat, but the night before I wash my hair I get some coconut oil and melt it to body temperature (in the palm of my hand) and rub that into the ends of my hair and then sleep in a braid. 
In the morning I'll then melt some more coconut oil in the microwave so it's hot (but don't burn yourself)  and massage it into my scalp as it stimulates hair growth and boy does it work. 
When washing my hair I leave my conditioner is as long as possible and then when drying my hair and don't rub as this can cause breakage, I just gently squeeze the hair with a towel and then comb through. The only product I am using is the Tresemé split remedy on my ends after combing my hair and I'm sure this works wonders. I sometimes also put some in my ends in the morning when it's dry as the texture isn't stiff or sticky you wouldn't even notice it's there.
That's my general hair care routine, but as I'm taking extra care with it at the moment I am doing a hair mask every few days to keep it amazing. 

Here is a picture of me and my lovely Dad and you can really see the colour and length of my hair

These are some of my favourite masks.
Avocado and olive oil. I'm not too sure what's so amazing in the avocado, but something in it just transforms my hair(comment down below if you know what it is) I then mix it with olive oil which of course is extremely moisturising. I'll leave this on my hair for about 30 mins and the wash off. Just be sure to get rid of all the chunks. Ewww. Hehe:)
Egg white and honey. Egg whites have loads of protein and is great at reconstructing, the honey again super moisturising and the mixture works a treat. I leave this in my hair for about 20 mins and then wash off.

There's then lots of small things I'm trying which are all together great for your hair like drinking plenty of water, staying away from heat tools and eating a diet full of vitamins and proteins.

I can't wait to show you all the before and after of my hair. Make sure you let me know if you have any of your own tips to keep my hair in amazing condition.

Love Damaris 

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This is the picture I am showing my hairdresser
Of how I would like my hair, but maybe
even a little blonder.

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