Sunday 18 August 2013

Keep fit

Keep fit stay healthy.

So first of all my lovelies welcome back. I think from the title its pretty simple what I'm here to talk to you about today. So first comes the embarrassing part where I have to admit how terrible my diet was and how aweful my excerise routine was. To be quite honest with you its embarrassing:/ hah.
So I was never careful with what I ate or how I looked after my body. so lets start from the morning. I would never have breakfast as I'd wake up early so it would always make me feel ill eating that early. Almost every lunch I'd have a shop bought sandwhich along with a chocolate bar and sometimes a yoghurt, during the working hours I would drink plenty of water. I get home after work about 6:00pm and most evening would have ready made meals, when we did cook our meals ourselves the wouldn't be particularly healthy but I never put any thought into what I ate. I was never really active after work as I was so tired all the time, most days I would sit down in front of the telly or watch youtube videos, read blogs etc. This is were all the bags of candy came. Also when I was at home I'd mostly drink CocaCola. So that's pretty much what my daily routine was like. The worst thing is that I didn't realise what I was doing to my body.
So you really wouldn't believe how these things effect you I had oily skin with regular break outs, although still being a healthy weight (for some crazy unknkown reason) I was really not confident in my own body I wasn't toned AT ALL, there were lots of flabbly bits on my arms and thighs. Of course I'm latin so am blessed with curvy thighs and hips (not always a blessing). Being a short 5"3 and extra couple of pounds on me really makes a difference and makes me look "stumpy". Apart from physically it also has a major effect on how you feel, I was constantly feeling tired, and having head aches, and would easily get stressed and feel down.

Make sure you're realistic about your goals and how you want to go about achieving them I have tried "diets" on many occassions and end up giving in after just a day (if even that). Something that has really helped me on this occassion is doing things gradually and slowly do things in a way that your body can mannage. Remember although all those bad stuff does no good for you, your body does addapt do it and even depend on it, I can tell you that when I started making changes I suffered from withdrawel symptons and suffered from bad head aches, but your body will soon thank you for. Also remember if you do things in a way that you can manage and setting realistic goals then your likely to stick to it. Never think of it as a diet, but as I change of lifestyle.

The first thing I had to do is give up all fizzy drinks and sweets. This is all I changed for a few days and for me it really helped me get started. As after a few days I felt I was doing great because I had stuck to it so I felt much more capable of making other small changes. That was my diet that had kick started, now I had to face the HUGE mountain of excericise. Again you need to ease yourself into it. I remeber once I went from not doing any exercise to attempting this advanced exercise video, the next day I obviously woke up so sore it put me right off exercise all together, so don't make that mistake. I felt that I just wasn't quite ready to tackle exercise, but I still wanted to get my body used to being more active, so again this was slow progress but for me it really helped. Instead of going straight from the dinner table to the sofa I would do housework and keep doing something on my feet until about an hour before bed time were I would allow myself to relax.

Staying active releases hormones which make you happy and this is addictive. I already knew this so although it was hard to start with I tried doing a little more each day, the more I done the more I wanted to do and in no time I actually WANTED to combine it with swimming, sit ups before bed and exercise videos.

Once you get started no matter how small the changes are, it makes you feel good about yourself and it makes it easier to do more, needless to say now I'm in a much better and more stable routine to keeping fit and the benefits are endless I feel so much better for it in so many ways (of course there will be another blog talking about benefits etc.)
I also want to share with  you that it takes about 20 days for it to become a routine and your body to get fully used to it. So make a goal of just keeping it up for 20, if you manage that it'll be alot easier for you to carry on.

Please remember I am not a proffessional. Also I have not reached my goal and am much in the same possition as you guys - in need of motivation, however I know I'm on the right track and this makes me want to keep going.

Let me know how you guys get on.
Until next time,

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